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St Cyprian's Cathedral Kimberley

This Week at the Cathedral

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Easter 2013: 31 March 2013: Message from the Dean, Fr Simon Aiken

March 31, 2013

This is the day which the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Alleluia.

From the Dean

Dear Easter people,

As in dark drops the pitting rain

Falls on a dusty street,

So tears shall fall and fall again

To wash thy wounded feet.

Well, we had a rainy Holy Week this year with unexpected, but nonetheless welcome, late Summer rains. The gloomy weather matched the sombre and thoughtful mood of our services as we followed Jesus on his journey from the hysteria of the Palm Sunday hosanna-crowd, to the sleepy disciples in the garden, to the violence of the crucify-him-mob, through the silence of the tomb, to the joy of Easter Day and our reassurance that it was done, all accomplished on the cross for our life and healing. We will face pain again, we will see the woundedness of others again, but the more Holy Weeks we travel the more we have the confidence that

Thy quick hands to heal are strong,

O love, thy patients we,

Who sing with joy the pilgrims' song

And walk, dear Lord, with thee. *

Surely I was not the only one these last days in St Cyprian's...


Tags: easter 2013, fr simon aiken

Posted at: 01:41 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

20 January 2013 The Dean Writes... on 'A New Year Carol' by Benjamin Britten : Epiphany II

January 20, 2013

The Dean writes

                                  A New Year Carol

Here we bring new water from the well so clear.

For to worship God with this happy New Year.

   Sing levy dew, sing levy dew, the water and the wine;

   The seven bright gold wires and the bugles that do shine.


Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her toe,

Open you the West Door, and turn the Old Year go.


Sing reign of Fair Maid, with gold upon her chin,

Open you  the East Door, and let the New Year in.


     The words of this carol are very old and most probably refer to pagan customs which pre-date Christianity. As was (is) often the case, previously pagan imagery becomes embraced into the new religion when it can have a double meaning which teaches and reinforces the new faith without completely irradiating the former much loved nuances.

     As was often the case in pagan religion, the sun plays an important part in this New Year Carol which contrasts the passing of the year with the course of the sun: in verse two the Sun goddess (Fair Maid) has gold (light) on her toe...

Posted at: 10:54 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

13 January 2013 The Dean Writes... on celebrating the incarnation - Baptism of Christ

January 13, 2012

As the world goes back to work and the so-called 'festive season' comes to an end, the Cathedral's Christmas tree and decorations may have returned to their box and storage space in the crypt, but the crib scene remains, a reminder that our celebration of the incarnation continues.

In recent years we have rediscovered elements of our Christian calendar that allow us to focus at length on the things that matter. Christmastide, punctuated by the arrival of the Magi at Epiphany, lasts for 40 days until we celebrate the feast of Candlemas, the Presentation of Christ in the Temple 40 days later on 2nd February (when we will bless all the candles to be used in the Cathedral during the coming year).

This mirrors the 40 days of preparation for Easter in Lent, and the 40 days of Easter itself culminating in Ascension Day. Ash Wednesday comes particularly early this year, so let us enjoy this extended time of celebrating the reality of Emmanuel, God-with-us in the birth of his Son Jesus.

We must place on record, however, our sincerest thanks to all those who made our celebration of Christmas and Epiphany so special. The Cathedral Church was made most...

Posted at: 04:41 PM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

6 February 2011: to be salt and light

February 6, 2011

Today's Gospel, St Matthew 5:13-16, which bids us to be salt and light in the world, prompts us to ponder what God desires to manifest through us, and to wrestle with what hinders this.

We pray for the faithful departed: Sakkie Bredenkamp, Drydon Goliath, Michael Oliver, Noeleen Marthinus and Canon Dan Peters' son, Daniel. Fr Dan was to have preached in the Cathedral this morning. Bishop Patrick Matolengwe stepped in at short notice and delivered an inspired sermon on the theme of today's Gospel reading.


Posted at: 08:30 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The Dean Writes - 30 January 2011

January 30, 2011

After discussion with the Bishop, it has been announced that the Revd Carol Starkey will take up a new portfolio of responsibilities sometime early in 2011. Mother Carol has already had a concern in her ministry in the area of HIV/Aids, and it has been agreed that this will become a full-time responsibility for her throughout the Diocese of Kimberley and Kuruman. Along with the expansion of this work will also be responsibility for the Kimberley hospitals and the Diocesan Gender Desk. Fr Gawie Bouwer continues to look after the hospital for the next month or so until arrangements are finalised. Mother Carol continues her responsibilities as Chaplain of St Cyprian's Grammar School until Easter. Mother Carol continues to have a liturgical and preaching base at the Cathedral. It seems the new year is bringing exciting new developments in priestly ministry for which we give thanks to Almighty God. Perhaps this is a reminder to all of us, priests and people alike, that we must always be ready to listen to God's guiding voice and take up those challenges and responsibilities that will best further the building up of his Kingdom.
Posted at: 11:55 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

The Dean Writes - 23 January 2011

January 23, 2011

After discussion with the Bishop it has been announced that the Revd Marcellus Conway will join the Cathedral and Cathedral cluster team as a self-supporting priest. I am very pleased that Fr Marcellus will join us at the Cathedral and encourage him in his new responsi-bilities. We hope that Fr Marcellus’ family – his wife Nasli and sons Jonathan and Gregory – will also be part of our family. Fr Marcellus will be primarily responsible for ensuring that ministry is carried out at St Alban’s, De Beers, which is part of the Cathedral cluster. However, to be properly part of our family at the Cathedral, he will spend one Sunday a month worshipping with us – and other members of our clergy team will assist in providing ministry at St Alban’s. We look forward to this being a positive and fruitful collaboration between our two parishes and we send our very best wishes to the people of the parish of St Alban’s, De Beers, as they begin a new chapter in their life. It is expected that Fr Marcellus will fully take up his new responsibilities at the beginning of March.

Posted at: 11:57 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

16 January 2011 - Sermon by the Very Revd Fr Simon Aiken, Dean of Kimberley

January 22, 2011

Listen to Fr Simon's 16 January sermon by visiting our Sermon Blog at:


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New Years Day 2011

January 1, 2011

AD 2011:  This year we will celebrate our Diocesan Centenary (11 October 11). Just prior to that, the Sister Henrietta centenary (6 October).

 Other anniversaries this year:

AD 601:   the 1410th anniversary of the establishment of the Anglican Church as a distinct entity in Christendom by St Augustine of Canterbury;

AD 1611:   the 400th anniversary of the completion of the Authorized King James Version of the Bible; and

AD 1871:   the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Parish of St Cyprian, in a tent, at ‘New Rush’ on the Diamond Fields.
Posted at: 08:43 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Christmas 2010

December 25, 2010

God is here among us, light in the midst of us, bring us to light and life.

The Dean and Cathedral Clergy wish you a very happy Christmas. May the Christ Child bring holiness and joy to you and yours.

Posted at: 08:38 AM | 0 Comments | Add Comment | Permalink

Advent IV The Dean writes:

December 19, 2010

 REALITY CHECKIn the midst of our busyness in preparing for Christmas, and sometimes being enticed to indulge in irrelevancies of time and energy and money, it is good to have a reality check.  Churchwardens and Layministers had just such a reality check on Tuesday evening witnessing rain pouring like a river into the Cathedral through defective roof tiles and gutters. We will have to come to the congregation early in the New Year requesting a special late Christmas present for the Cathedral to help fund the repairs. In the meantime we will take professional architectural advice so that any money we spend will be spent on the right corrective and preventative measures to ensure that the faulty part of the roof is repaired and becomes trouble-free for some considerable time.  In the same vein, needing to resource our ongoing work week by week, we remind all who pledge to support the Cathedral financially to ensure that what they pledged for 2010 is completely up to date by the end of the year. See elsewhere in the pew leaflet for the banking details of the Cathedral. Khotso, Pula, Nala : Peace, Rain, Plenty
Posted at: 08:35 AM | 1 Comment | Add Comment | Permalink

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